Hearing damage is permanent, as there is no way for doctors to restore the hair cells in your ears. That’s why it’s crucial to wear the right hearing protection during a festival. At HearingCoach, we offer a wide range of custom-made earplugs with linear attenuation and various levels of noise reduction. They provide precisely the right amount of attenuation to protect your ears from the loud sound.
We understand that you visit a festival because you’re a music lover. That’s why our custom festival earplugs have a flat attenuation. Unlike disposable earplugs you buy at the drugstore or supermarket, you can still hear the beauty of the music. It’s just at a lower volume, ensuring your ears are protected from hearing damage.
We even have custom earplugs in our assortment where you can choose the level of attenuation. You can select from options like 10, 15, 19, or 22 dB. Whether you’re standing close to the loudspeakers or at the back, you can easily adjust the attenuation accordingly.
At HearingCoach, we always measure and fit the festival earplugs specifically for your ears. That way, they fit perfectly and are always leak-proof, ensuring no sound can seep through the earplugs.